A Survey of Orbitrap All Ion Fragmentation Analysis Assessed by an R MetaboList Package to Study Small-molecule Metabolites


Sentandreu Enrique,Peris-Díaz Manuel D,Sweeney Shannon R,Chiou Jennifer,Muñoz Nathalie,Tiziani Stefano


ABSTRACTLeukemia cell and melanoma tumor tissue extracts were studied for small (mostly m/z <250) polar metabolites by LC-ESI-HRMSn analysis powered by a hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap. MS data was simultaneously acquired in fast polarity switching mode operating in MS1 and MS/MS (All Ion Fragmentation, AIF) full-scan analyses at high mass resolution. Positive assignments were achieved by AIF analysis considering at least two characteristic transitions of metabolites. A targeted metabolite profiling was achieved by the relative quantification of 18 metabolites through spiking their respective deuterated counterparts. Manual data processing of MS1 and AIF scans were compared for accurate determination of natural metabolites and their deuterated analogs by chromatographic alignment and peak area integration. Evaluation of manual and automated (MetaboList R package) AIF data processing yielded comparable results. The versatility of AIF analysis also enabled the untargeted metabolite profiling of leukemia and melanoma samples in which 22 and 53 compounds were respectively identified outside those studied by labeling. The main limitation of the method was that low abundance metabolites with scan rates below 8 scans/peak could not be accurately quantified by AIF analysis. Combination of AIF analysis with MetaboList R package represents an opportunity to move towards automated, faster and more global metabolomics approaches supported by an entirely flexible open source automated data processing platform freely available from Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=MetaboList).


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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