Learning the local landscape of protein structures with convolutional neural networks


Kulikova Anastasiya V.ORCID,Diaz Daniel J.ORCID,Loy James M.ORCID,Ellington Andrew D.ORCID,Wilke Claus O.ORCID


AbstractThe fundamental problem of protein biochemistry is to predict protein structure from amino acid sequence. The inverse problem, predicting either entire sequences or individual mutations that are consistent with a given protein structure, has received much less attention even though it has important applications in both protein engineering and evolutionary biology. Here, we ask whether 3D convolutional neural networks (3D CNNs) can learn the local fitness landscape of protein structure to reliably predict either the wild-type amino acid or the consensus in a multiple sequence alignment from the local structural context surrounding a site of interest. We find that the network can predict wild type with good accuracy, and that network confidence is a reliable measure of whether a given prediction is likely going to be correct or not. Predictions of consensus are less accurate, and are primarily driven by whether or not the consensus matches the wild type. Our work suggests that high-confidence mis-predictions of the wild type may identify sites that are primed for mutation and likely targets for protein engineering.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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