Environmental variability and the evolution of bet-hedging strategies


Slimon Kelley,Germain Rachel M.


AbstractBet-hedging strategies, such as dispersal and dormancy, are predicted to evolve in varying and uncertain environments and are critical to ecological models of biodiversity maintenance. Theories of the specific ecological scenarios that favor the evolution of dispersal, dormancy, or their covariance are rarely tested, particularly for naturally-evolved populations that experience complex patterns of spatiotemporal environmental variation. We grew 23 populations of Vulpia microstachys, an annual grass native to California, in a greenhouse, and on the offspring generation measured seed dispersal ability and dormancy rates. We hypothesized that seed dormancy rates and dispersal abilities would be highest in populations from more productive, temporally variable sites, causing them to covary positively. Contrary to our hypothesis, our data suggest that both dispersal and dormancy evolve to combat different axes and scales of spatial heterogeneity, and are underlain by different seed traits, allowing them to evolve independently. Dormancy appears to have evolved as a strategy for overcoming microgeographic heterogeneity rather than temporal climate fluctuations, an outcome that to our knowledge has not been considered by theory. In sum, we provide much needed empirical data on the evolution of bet hedging, as well as a new perspective on the ecological function dormancy provides in heterogeneous landscapes.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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