Characterizing transcriptomic responses to sediment stress across location and morphology in reef-building corals


Ashey JillORCID,McKelvie Hailey,Freeman John D.,Shpilker Polina,Zane Lauren H.,Becker-Polinski Danielle M.,Cowen Lenore,Richmond Robert H.,Paul Valérie,Seneca Francois,Putnam Hollie M.ORCID


AbstractAnthropogenic activities increase sediment suspended in the water column and deposition on reefs can be largely dependent on colony morphology. Massive and plating corals have a high capacity to trap sediments, and active removal mechanisms can be energetically costly. Branching corals trap less sediment, but are more susceptible to light limitation caused by suspended sediment. Despite deleterious effects of sediments on corals, few studies have examined the molecular response of corals with different morphological characteristics to sediment stress. To address this knowledge gap, this study assessed the transcriptomic responses of branching and massive corals in Florida and Hawai□i to varying levels of sediment exposure. Gene expression analysis revealed a molecular responsiveness to sediments across species and sites. Differentially Gene Expression (DEG) followed by Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis identified that branching corals had the largest transcriptomic response to sediments, in developmental processes and metabolism, while significantly enriched GO terms were highly variable between massive corals, despite similar morphologies. Comparison of DEGs within orthogroups revealed that while all corals had DEGs in response to sediment, there was not a concerted gene set response by morphology or location. These findings illuminate the species specificity and genetic basis underlying coral susceptibility to sediments.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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