The increasing energy demand in Indonesia, driven by rapid technological advancements across various industries and a growing population, necessitates the exploration of alternative energy sources. The reliance on traditional Steam Power Plants has contributed to rising greenhouse gas emissions and increasing operational costs, prompting the need for cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions. Solar energy emerges as a promising alternative to address these challenges. This study focuses on developing a solar power generation system capable of meeting the electrical energy needs in isolated areas. Using the PVsyst application, a new renewable energy system was designed to cater to the electricity requirements of residential homes. The study findings indicate that the system can generate 13,683 watts of electrical energy using eight solar panels, each with a capacity of 330 Wp. Additionally, the system includes 15 batteries with a capacity of 250 Ah to store energy. The designed system successfully meets the daily electricity demand of 8,210 watts for residential homes. To maximize solar energy absorption, the optimal tilt angle for the solar panels was determined to be 7 degrees. This study demonstrates that solar power generation systems are a viable and effective alternative for fulfilling electrical energy needs in isolated areas, offering a sustainable solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on conventional power sources.
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