Background: Drug use is a tricky task comprises of prescriber, dispenser and the patient. It is influenced by factors such as prescribing experience, drug cost, availability, dispenser knowledge and patient cultural belief.
Objective: Current study aim is to assess the drug prescribing pattern in the inpatient ward of the surgery department at tertiary care teaching hospital using WHO prescribing indicators.
Material and Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out after the approval from the institutional ethical committee for a period of six months from February 2019 to July 2019. Data were collected, evaluated and represented using descriptive statics and graph wherever applicable.
Result: Total of 190 prescriptions were collected and analyzed using WHO prescribing indicators. An average number of the drug was 5.23%. The percentage of the drug from essential medicine list, generic name and Injectables prescribed was 46.93%, 17.68% and 53.16% respectively.
Conclusion: Labelling status of prescribing was not according to standards of WHO prescribing indicators and needs special attention. Such study plays a crucial role in the institution level and helps in preparation of evidence-based modules for rational use of drugs.
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