This work considers the quality indicators of drinking water in the Maysky district of the Pavlodar region, Republic Kazakhstan. The organoleptic, generalized, microbiological indicators, as well as organic and inorganic substances of drinking water of, water treatment plant before and after treatment, as well as tap water, were examined for compliance with regulatory requirements. The general mineralization characterizes the water as fresh and the hardness index indicates the average hardness of the water belonging to the hydrocarbonate class. An excess of the MAC norm for turbidity and manganese content before water treatment was established. The bacteriological index of water samples in the Maysky district exceeds hygienic standards. The sanitary and epidemiological hazard of water is confirmed by the presence of genus Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, which indicates anthropogenic and household factors of impact, both on the natural environment and on the formation of drinking water in the Maysky district of Pavlodar region.
Republican State Enterprise "National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
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