1. Aizenshtat, M.P. Novatsii v parlamentskoi praktike Britanii XVIII stoletiia [Innovations in Britain’s Parliamentary practice of the 18th and 19th centuries] // Honoris causa. Sbornik nauchnykh statei, posviashchennyi 70-letiiu professora Viktora Vladimirovicha Sergeeva [Honoris causa. Collected Articles of the scientific conference celebrating the 70th anniversary of Professor Viktor Sergeev]. Sankt-Peterburg, 2016. P. 7−13.
2. Aizenshtat, M.P. Parlamentskie materialy Britanii XVII-XIX vekov. Zaprety i preodoleniia. [Britain’s parliamentary materials of the 18-19 centuries. Prohibitions and their overcoming] // Novaia i noveishaia istoriia [Modern and contemporary history]. 2016. № 5. P. 16−25.
3. Bykova, E.A., Sigova, A.A. Vopros priznaniia sovetskogo gosudarstva v politicheskoi diskussii britanskogo parlamenta [The recognition of the Soviet state in the political debate of the British Parliament] // Veter Perestroiki − 2022 [The Wind of Perestroika − 2022]. Sbornik materialov Vtoroj Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii [Collected articles of the second national scientific conference]/ A. D. Matlin (otvetstvennyi redaktor) [ed.-in-chief A. D. Matlin]. Sankt-Peterburg, 2023. P. 22−27.
4. Golovina, N.M. «Neparlamentskie vyrazheniia» i rechevaia agressiia v britanskom parlamente: ritoricheskaia strategiia ili institutsional’naia norma? [Unparliamentary language and verbal aggression in the British Parliament: rhetorical strategy or Institutional norm?] // Rech’ i iazyki obshcheniia v konfliktogennom mire. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii. [Speech and languages of communication in a conflict-prone world. Proceedings of an international research-topractice conference] / S.V. Myskin (otv. red.) [ed.-in-chief S.V. Myskin]. Moskva, 2021. P. 37−39.
5. Zakharova, O.V. Obsuzhdenie migratsionnoi politiki v britanskom parlamente. [Debates on Migration Policy in the British Parliament] // Chelovek, obraz, slovo v kontekste istoricheskogo vremeni i prostranstva. Мaterialy Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Man, image and word in the context of historical time and space. Proceedings of an international research-to-practice conference]. 2015. P. 93−96.