Conceptual Foundations of Information Modeling Technology in Urban Planning


Korneeva A. M.1ORCID


1. MGIMO-University


Introduction. For the management of complex urban planning systems, the problems of choosing alternatives and finding effective solutions under conditions of risk and uncertainty in the interaction of many exogenous and endogenous factors are of great theoretical and practical importance. A special place in decision-making is occupied by an integrated approach that allows, based on artificial intelligence models, expert assessment, analytical and computational models, modeling methods and a number of other models and methods, to successfully apply various approaches to decision support, to provide a deeper and more comprehensive account of various factors. , their relationship, act in conditions of semistructured or unstructured information about the control object. In this regard, the problem of creating integrated intelligent decision support systems based on the theory and principles of hybrid artificial intelligence systems, mathematical modeling methods, system analysis, synthesis of control actions, etc. is relevant.The purpose of this article is to clarify the conceptual foundations of information modeling technology in urban planning.Materials and methods. To achieve this goal, the article used methods of problem analysis, synthsis, scientific approaches to solving the stated problem, classification of hybrid models used in information modeling in urban planning. The materials of the article are the works of scientists on the stated issues.Research results. The article points out that the possibilities of modeling in urban planning are associated with the development of hybrid models, which are models that are built using various methods. The author determined that a hybrid intelligent system is a combination of: analytical models, expert systems, artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, genetic algorithms, simulation statistical models. The main task in the development of hybrid systems is to best combine different forms of representation and methods of knowledge processing in the decision-making process in the field of urban planning.Discussion and conclusion. The article substantiates the importance of introducing hybrid models for studying the functioning and forecasting the development of urban infrastructure. Approaches to the creation of intelligent information systems for decision support in urban planning based on a combination of analytical methods and models, such as simulation modeling, computational calculations, optimization calculations with soft computing models, such as fuzzy systems, neural networks, genetic solutions of complex weakly structured or unstructured tasks. The creation of such systems will increase the level of managerial decision-making in urban planning, better assess the quality of the housing policy being pursued.


MGIMO University


General Medicine

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