The Main Directions of Supranational Regulation of the Digital Space in the EAEU at the Present Stage




1. MGIMO-University under the MFA of Russia


Introduction. The study of the main directions of supranational regulation of the digital space is an important task in the context of the constant complication and expansion of social relations in the digital sphere. The creation of effective and progressive regulation in the relevant area can become the basis for increasing the competitiveness of the EAEU on the world stage. At the same time, the corresponding issues have been practically not studied in the domestic academic literature. Within the framework of this article, an attempt has been made to comprehensively assess the system of supranational regulation of the digital space in the EAEU, to identify its strengths and weaknesses.Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the study was made up of general scientific and special scientific methods. General scientific methods are presented: analysis, synthesis, inductive-deductive method, systematic method. Special scientific methods include: the method of systemic analysis of law, the comparative legal method, the formal legal method. The research materials are presented by supranational acts of the EAEU (primarily the Treaty on the EAEU and its protocols), official documents and statements, as well as doctrinal concepts and approaches.Results of the study. The article analyzes and evaluates the key areas of supranational regulation of the digital space in the EAEU at the present stage. The conceptual and legal foundations of the relevant regulation are identified (including in comparison with the EU approach to supranational regulation of the digital space) and their role and significance for the development of supranational regulation of the digital space in the EAEU is analyzed. Changes in the customs legislation of the EAEU in terms of supranational regulation of external (with the participation of residents of third countries) electronic trade are involved in scientific circulation.Discussion and conclusion. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that currently the system of supranational regulation of the digital space in the EAEU is at the stage of its formation and extends only to four main areas: the circulation of non-personal data, public procurement, intellectual property protection and external electronic commerce. At the same time, recent initiatives in the field of supranational regulation of external electronic commerce represent an important step towards a new stage in the development of digital aspects of Eurasian integration.


MGIMO University

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