Features of the Emotional Sphere and Psychotherapy of Financiers in the Modality of Transactional Analysis


Tarasova Olga P.ORCID


The article covers the question of the features of the emotional life of individuals who choose financial activity as a profession. The article contains data from a survey among 42 financiers, which was conducted by the author of the article, and a table of personality adaptations that are most common among financial sector workers (Paranoid, Antisocial, Obsessive-Compulsive). The specific features of financiers that are formed both in childhood under the influence of the parental system and in adulthood under the influence of the professional environment are also formulated. The author identifies the conditions and patterns for the formation of personality styles of financiers and analyzes how the same traits and adaptation mechanisms can lead to professional success, on the one hand, and failure in building trusting relationships, on the other. The author notes the basic needs for harmonious personal development outside the professional sphere and offers recommendations that can support people involved in finance and help them build satisfying close relationships.



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