1. 1) K. Mimura: Studies on Indomaguro, Thunnus maccoyii?, (preliminary report). Occasional Rep. Nankai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab., 1, 15-22 (1962).
2. 2) S. Kikawa: A study on indomaguro (Thunnus thynnus maccoyii?) in the area south of 20°S. lat. from the examination of ovary weight and maturity. Rep. Nankai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab., 20, 37-56 (1964).
3. 3) S. Ueyanagi: The spawning of the southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) as indicated by the occurrence of its larvae. Bull. Far Seas Fish. Res. Lab., 1, 1-4 (1969).
4. 4) C. Shingu: Studies relevant to distribution and migration of the southern bluefin tuna. Bull. Far Seas Fish. Res. Lab., 3, 57-113 (1970).
5. 5) J. P. Robins: Synopsis of biological data on bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus maccoyii (Castelnau) 1872. FAO Fisheries Report, 6, 563-587 (1963).