2. Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of the UrB RAS
The paper provides information on the chemical composition of intrusive diorites the gold-porphyry deposit of Bolshoy Karan, located in the northern part of the Voznesensk-Prisakmar structural zone (MUF), in the north of the Uchaly ore district.
Additional information is given on 1) primary magmatic, 2) accessory, 3) hydrothermal-metasomatic and 4) ore minerals. Special attention is paid to the geochemical features of accessory minerals from the ore-bearing zone diorites.
According to the Nb/Yb and Th/Yb ratios in gabbroids, taking into account other materials, geodynamic reconstructions were carried out, as a result of which groups of gabbro-diorites formed in the Voznesensk-Prisakmar zone in areas with oceanic, island-arc and subcontinental types of crust, smelted from depleted and enriched mantle sources, were identified. The Bolshekaran-Voznesensk-Karagaikul ore-bearing zone is confined to an area with a thick crust of the island-arc or subcontinental type.
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