National and international surveys show that people still do not have appropriate knowledge of and attitude to food safety. Therefore more and more countries organize educational courses to improve skills and knowledge regarding food safety. In Hungary the National Curriculum 2012 contains the program for food safety education. The aim of our survey was investigation about knowledge and attitude of primary and secondary school students towards food safety. The questions, according to international surveys, fell into 5 categories: personal hygiene, keeping food at safe temperatures, adequate cooking, avoidance of cross-contamination, and safe source of foods. Statistical evaluation was done using SPSS 20 software. Significant differences were evaluated by logistic regression, Chi square test, and crossing table analysis. Results showed that there was no significant difference among primary school students regarding gender or residence (village or town) in knowledge of food safety. Their attitudes showed more significant divergence. Logistic regression investigation has showed that there was a good correlation between knowledge and attitude of personal and kitchen hygiene. In conclusion, our students have presented more or less the same results as the others from international questionnaires. Even though, we need to improve knowledge and skill in food safety.
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