Discovery of microRNAs in Pyrus stigma exudates opens new research avenues in Horticulture


Ambastha Vivek1ORCID,Nevo Yuval2,Matityhu Ifat1,Honys David3ORCID,Leshem Yehoram14ORCID


1. Department of Plant Sciences, MIGAL—Galilee Research Institute , Kiryat-Shmona 11016 , Israel

2. Info-CORE, Bioinformatics Unit of the I-CORE, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Jerusalem 9112001 , Israel

3. Laboratory of Pollen Biology, Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences , Rozvojová 263 , 165 02 Prague 6, Czech Republic

4. Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Tel-Hai College , Upper Galilee 1220800 , Israel


Abstract In many plant species, flower stigma secretions are important in early stages of sexual reproduction. Previous chemical analysis and proteomic characterization of these exudates provided insights into their biological function. Nevertheless, the presence of nucleic acids in the stigma exudates has not been previously reported. Here, we studied the stigma exudates of Pyrus communis, Pyrus pyrifolia, and Pyrus syriaca and showed them to harbor extracellular RNAs of various sizes. RNA sequencing revealed, for the first time, the presence of known Rosaceae mature microRNAs (miRs), also abundant in the stigma source tissue. Predicted targets of the exudate miRs in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome include genes involved in various biological processes. Several of these genes are pollen transcribed, suggesting possible involvement of exudate miRs in transcriptional regulation of the pollen. Moreover, extracellular miRs can potentially act across kingdoms and target genes of stigma interacting organisms/microorganisms, thus opening novel applicative avenues in Horticulture.


Oxford University Press (OUP)







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