1. Salsberg E , Quigley L , Masselink L et al . The US Nephrology Workforce: Developments and Trends . https://www.asn-online.org/education/training/workforce/Nephrology_Workforce_Study_Report_2015.pdf (April 24, 2016, date last accessed).
2. Pivert K . NRMP SMS Nephrology Match for Appointment Year 2016–2017: ASN Brief Analysis . https://www.asn-online.org/education/training/workforce/ASN_NRMP_SMS_2016_Analysis.pdf (April 24, 2016, date last accessed).
3. Why Not Nephrology? A Survey of US Internal Medicine Subspecialty Fellows
4. Nephrologists as Educators: Clarifying Roles, Seizing Opportunities
5. Share Your Passion for Nephrology: Ten Tips to Invigorate Attending Rounds and Precepting Sessions