Drastic Reduction in Time to Controlled Viral Load in People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in France, 2009–2019: A Longitudinal Cohort Study


Cuzin Lise12ORCID,Morisot Adeline3,Allavena Clotilde4,Lert France5,Pugliese Pascal3,Chirouze C,Babre O,Bouiller K,Bozon F,Brunel A S,Chevalier E,Hustache-Mathieu L,Lagoutte J,Lepiller Q,Marty-Quinternet S,Muret P,Rosolen B,Tissot N,Jaffuel S,Jacomet C,Aumeran C,Baud O,Brebion A,Corbin V,Goncalvez E,Henquell C,Laurichesse H,Lesens O,Mazzocolin D,Mirand A,Mrozek N,Theis C,Vidal M,Lamaury I,Bissuel F,Boulard F,Curlier E,Fabre I,Halley E,Herrmann-Storck C,Guillou C Le,Markowicz S,Marquet M,Ouissa R,Receveur M C,Reltien J,Roger P M,Tressieres B,Merrien D,Bollangier O,Boucher D,Guimard T,Laine L,Leautez S,Morrier M,Perré P,Point P,Faucher J F,Cypierre A,Ducroix-Roubertou S,Durox H,Genet-Villeger C,Pascual J,Pinet P,Rogez S,Woillard J B,Cotte L,Ader F,Alfaiate D,Becker A,Boibieux A,Brochier C,Brunel-Dalmas F,Cannesson O,Chiarello P,Chidiac C,Conrad A,Degroodt S,Ferry T,Godinot M,Icard V,Livrozet J M,Makhloufi D,Perpoint T,Perry M,Pouderoux C,Roux S,Trabaud M A,Triffault-Fillit C,Valour F,Ravaux I,Ménard A,Aherfi S,Amrane S,Belkhir A Y,Colson P,Dhiver C,Martin-Degioanni M,Meddeb L,Mokhtari M,Motte A,Tissot-Dupont H,Toméi C,Poizot-Martin I,Brégigeon S,Ducassou M J,Galie S,Ivanova A,Jaquet I,Laroche H,Obry-Roguet V,Orticoni M,Ressiot E,Ritleng A S,Rojas-Rojas T,Zaegel-Faucher O,Cabié A,Abel S,Bavay J,Bigeard B,Cabras O,Cuzin L,Dupin de Majoubert R,Fagour L,Guitteaud K,Lehoux M,Montagnac C,Pierre-François S,Rome K,Turmel J M,Reynes J,Atoui N,Bistoquet M,Delaporte E,Moing V Le,Lejeune J,Makinson A,Meftah N,Merle de Boever C,Montes B,Ferrer A Montoya,Tuaillon E,Lefèvre B,André M,Baronnet G,Bevilacqua S,Boyer L,Bouillon M P,Charmillon A,Delestan M,Frentiu E,Goehringer F,Hénard S,Jeanmaire E,Rabaud C,Radjabaly-Mandjee A,Raffi F,Allavena C,André-Garnier E,Asquier-Khati A,Billaud E,Biron C,Bonnet B,Bouchez S,Boutoille D,Brunet-Cartier C,Cavellec M,Deschanvres C,Ferré V,Gaborit B J,Grégoire A,Grégoire M,Jovelin T,Lefebvre M,Lecomte R,Mahot R,Morineau P,Paredes E,Reliquet V,André-Garnier E,Sécher S,Soria A,Pugliese P,Bréaud S,Buscot M,Carles M,Chirio D,Cua E,Dellamonica P,Demonchy E,De Monte A,Durant J,Ferrando S,Garraffo R,Michelangeli C,Naqvi A,Perbost I,Pradier C,Prouvost-Keller B,Risso K,Touitou I,Viot A,Wehrlen-Pugliese S,Hocqueloux L,Gubavu C,Legros V,Peira F,Prazuck T,Rzepecki V,Sève A,Cheret A,Barrail-Tran A,Castro A,Colarino R,Goujard C,Jaureguiberry S,Quertainmont Y,Teicher E,Joly V,Charpentier C,Descamps D,Digumber M,Gervais A,Ghosn J,Julia Z,Landman R,Lariven S,Gac S Le,Louni F,Peytavin G,Rioux C,Yazdanpanah Y,Duvivier C,Amazzough K,Benabdelmoumen G,Bossi P,Cessot G,Charlier C,Consigny P H,Gomes-Pires E,Jidar K,Lafont E,Lanternier F,Lortholary O,Louisin C,Lourenco J,Melenotte C,Parize P,Pouvaret A,Rouzaud C,Serris A,Touam F,Katlama C,Agher R,Blanc C,Dudoit Y,Hamani N,Qatib N,Qzaibri I,Lenclume L,Palich R,Schneider L,Seang S,Tubiana R,Valantin M A,Bani-Sadr F,Bermejo M,Berger J L,Demotier S,Hentzien M,Julien G,Kmiec I,Lambert D,Marty H,N’Guyen Y,Romaru J,Arvieux C,Baldeyrou M,Benezit F,Chapplain J M,Dupont M,Duthé J C,Jovelin T,Lebot A,Lemaitre F,Maillard A,Morlat C,Patrat-Delon S,Poisson-Vannier M,Pronier C,Revest M,Sinteff J P,Souala F,Tattevin P,Gagneux-Brunon A,Botelho-Nevers E,Frésard A,Lucht F,Ronat V,Rey D,Cheneau C,Bernard-Henry C,De Mautort E,Fafi-Kremer S,Fischer P,Gantner P,Mélounou C,Partisani M,Delobel P,Alvarez M,Biezunski N,Debard A,Delpierre C,Garnier C,Gaube G,Lelièvre L,Marcel M,Martin-Blondel G,Piffaut M,Porte L,Saune K,Robineau O,Aïssi E,Ajana F,Alcaraz I,Alidjinou E,Baclet V,Bocket L,Boucher A,Derdour V,Gilbert M,Huleux T,Lafon-Desmurs B,Meybeck A,Pradier M,Tetart M,Thill P,Valette M,Viget N,Corvaisier G,


1. CERPOP, Toulouse University, INSERM UMR1295, UPS , Toulouse , France

2. Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Martinique University Hospital , Fort de France, Martinique (FWI)

3. Corevih Paca-Est, Archet Hospital, Côte d’Azur University , Nice , France

4. Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department, Nantes University Hospital, INSERM CIC1413 , Nantes , France

5. “Paris sans sida” Program , Paris , France


Abstract Background Aspirational targets to end AIDS by 2030 include having 95% of people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV; PWH) diagnosed, 95% treated, and 95% with controlled viral load (VL). Our objective was to describe, using a large French prospective cohort, the median transition times through the cascade of care between 2009 and 2019. Methods We analyzed patients whose first HIV diagnosis was made between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2019. Using the Kaplan–Meier method, we estimated the time to linkage to care (from HIV diagnosis to first biological assessment), to treatment (date of first antiretroviral therapy [ART] prescription), and to controlled VL (first value <200 copies/mL). Analyses were disaggregated by time periods and patients' characteristics. Censoring date was 31 December 2021. Results Among the 16 864 patients linked to care since 2009, the median [Q1; Q3] time from HIV diagnosis to controlled VL decreased from 254 [127–745] to 73 [48–132] days in 2009–2011 and 2018–2019, respectively. Transition times from linkage to care to first ART decreased from 67 [17; 414] in 2009–2011 to 13 [5; 26] days in 2018–2019, and from ART to controlled VL from 83 [35; 130] in 2009–2011 to 38 [28; 90] days in 2018–2019. Differences were observed depending on patients' characteristics. Conclusions We describe drastic reductions in transition time through the cascade of care, allowing reduction in the transmission period following each new infection. Delayed diagnosis remains the main obstacle to ending AIDS in the next decade.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Infectious Diseases,Microbiology (medical)

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