1. Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research , Bengaluru 560072 , India
2. Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research Jaipur 302033 , India
3. Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research Hyderabad 500016 , India
The integration of the ORION digital signal processing-based MCA system coupled with a 3″ × 3″ NaI(Tl) detector assembly with a GM detector for counting beta (β) has eliminated the need for a standalone β-γ method in which U3O8 is determined by gross β and gross γ counting. Uraniferous and mixed U-Th samples were taken up for study and compared with the results obtained from Canberra p-type coaxial high resolution gamma ray spectrometry detector. In uraniferous samples, U3O8 values obtained are within ±10%, whereas in the case of mixed U-Th samples, U3O8 values are within ±15%. Regression graphs drawn between the outcomes from the two analytical systems indicate R2 > 0.95 for Ra(eU3O8) and ThO2. In uraniferous samples, the R2 value for U3O8 was found to be > 0.99, but in mixed U-Th samples, it is 0.92. The closeness of agreement between the results obtained from two methods at various concentrations over the analytical range shows that the integrated system is suitable for the quantitative determination of eU3O8, U3O8, Ra(eU3O8), ThO2 and K in geological rock samples.
Oxford University Press (OUP)