A tale of two pumps: Blue light and abscisic acid alter Arabidopsis leaf hydraulics via bundle sheath cell H+-ATPases


Torne-Srivastava Tanmayee1ORCID,Grunwald Yael1ORCID,Dalal Ahan1ORCID,Yaaran Adi1ORCID,Moshelion Menachem1ORCID,Moran Nava1ORCID


1. The Robert H. Smith Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Rehovot 76100 , Israel


Abstract The bundle sheath cell (BSC) layer tightly enveloping the xylem throughout the leaf is recognized as a major signal-perceiving “valve” in series with stomata, regulating leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) and thereby radial water flow via the transpiring leaf. The BSC blue light (BL) signaling pathway increases Kleaf and the underlying BSC water permeability. Here, we explored the hypothesis that BSCs also harbor a Kleaf-downregulating signaling pathway related to the stress phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA). We employed fluorescence imaging of xylem sap in detached leaves and BSC protoplasts from different genotypes of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants, using pH and membrane potential probes to monitor physiological responses to ABA and BL in combination with pharmacological agents. We found that BL-enhanced Kleaf required elevated BSC cytosolic Ca2+. ABA inhibited BL-activated xylem-sap-acidifying BSC H+-ATPase AHA2 (Arabidopsis H+-ATPase 2), resulting in depolarized BSCs and alkalinized xylem sap. ABA also stimulated BSC vacuolar H+-ATPase (VHA), which alkalinized the BSC cytosol. Each pump stimulation, AHA2 by BL and VHA by ABA (under BL), also required Ca2+. ABA stimulated VHA in the dark depending on Ca2+, but only in an alkaline external medium. Taken together with earlier findings on the pH sensitivity of BSC osmotic water permeability (i.e. aquaporin activity), our results suggest a Ca2+-dependent and pH-mediated causative link between the BL- and ABA-regulated activities of two BSC H+-ATPases and Kleaf.


Israel Science Foundation

Ministry of Agriculture, Israel

Office of the Chief Scientist


Oxford University Press (OUP)

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