Comprehensive palaeomagnetic study of San Borja and Jaraguay monogenetic volcanic fields, Baja California (28–30°N): considerations on latitudinal corrections


Mahgoub A N12,García-Amador B I3ORCID,Alva-Valdivia L M1ORCID


1. Laboratorio de Paleomagnetismo, Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510, Mexico

2. Geology Department, Assiut University, Assiut 71516, Egypt

3. Posgrado en Ciencias de la Tierra, Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510, Mexico


SUMMARY We report 24 palaeomagnetic directions and 10 high-quality Thellier-derived palaeointensity (PI) values, obtained from 27 sites located in Baja California Peninsula, northwestern Mexico. Sampling was done in four rock units (magnesian andesites, calc-alkaline lavas, ignimbrites, adakites) belonging to San Borja and Jaraguay monogenetic volcanic fields. These units have erupted between ∼15 and 2.6 Ma (previous K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar data); hence results are presented in two consecutive periods: middle-late Miocene and Pliocene. The identified main magnetic minerals in the sampled sites are titanomagnetite, magnetite and minor hematite, of variable grain size, present as intergrowths or surrounding grains, which reflect varying oxidation/reduction conditions during emplacement of high-temperature magmas. Based on previous geological and geophysical records, the kinematic evolution was carefully considered in the region, allowing for the independent restoration of the palaeoposition of each sampled site. Previous palaeodirections were also evaluated and corrected for tectonic motion in order to combine them with present data. Accordingly, a number of 15 and 36 directional data are used to calculate palaeopole position for Pliocene and middle-late Miocene periods, respectively, selected from a total of 74 data points. Pliocene (Plat = 87.8°, Plong = 147.5°, K = 41.06, A95 = 6.0°) and middle-late Miocene (Plat = 86.0°, Plong = 172.7°, K = 41.08, A95 = 3.8°) palaeopole positions, calculated after tectonic corrections, are not statistically different from expected North American reference pole. Tectonic correction for Middle-late Miocene virtual geomagnetic poles plays an important role in reducing the resultant tilting from 2.7° to –0.8°. PI mean were calculated for Pliocene and middle-late Miocene periods at 29.2 ± 9.1 and 23.2 ± 6.3 μT, respectively. Compiling global filtered PI data, together with our results, indicates that the strength of the geomagnetic field during middle-late Miocene was weak (virtual dipole moment = 5.0 ± 2.2 × 1022 Am2) compared to Pliocene (6.4 ± 2.8 × 1022 Am2), and also relative to the present-day value (7.6 × 1022 Am2). This indicates the global nature of the low dipole moment during the middle-late Miocene period. However, issues related to the spatio-temporal distribution of PI data still present an obstacle to validating these suggestions; therefore, more reliable data are still needed.





Oxford University Press (OUP)


Geochemistry and Petrology,Geophysics

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