The mRNA degradation factor Xrn1 regulates transcription elongation in parallel to Ccr4


Begley Victoria1,Corzo Daniel2,Jordán-Pla Antonio3,Cuevas-Bermúdez Abel4,Miguel-Jiménez Lola de1,Pérez-Aguado David1,Machuca-Ostos Mercedes1,Navarro Francisco4ORCID,Chávez María José5,Pérez-Ortín José E3ORCID,Chávez Sebastián1ORCID


1. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC-Hospital Universitario V. del Rocío, Seville 41012, Spain

2. Escuela Técnica Superior de Informática, Universidad de Sevilla, Seville 41012, Spain

3. E.R.I. Biotecmed, Universitat de València; Burjassot, Valencia 46100, Spain

4. Departamento de Biología Experimental, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales, Universidad de Jaén, Jaén 23071, Spain

5. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I and Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad de Sevilla, Seville 41012, Spain


Abstract Co-transcriptional imprinting of mRNA by Rpb4 and Rpb7 subunits of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) and by the Ccr4–Not complex conditions its post-transcriptional fate. In turn, mRNA degradation factors like Xrn1 are able to influence RNAPII-dependent transcription, making a feedback loop that contributes to mRNA homeostasis. In this work, we have used repressible yeast GAL genes to perform accurate measurements of transcription and mRNA degradation in a set of mutants. This genetic analysis uncovered a link from mRNA decay to transcription elongation. We combined this experimental approach with computational multi-agent modelling and tested different possibilities of Xrn1 and Ccr4 action in gene transcription. This double strategy brought us to conclude that both Xrn1–decaysome and Ccr4–Not regulate RNAPII elongation, and that they do it in parallel. We validated this conclusion measuring TFIIS genome-wide recruitment to elongating RNAPII. We found that xrn1Δ and ccr4Δ exhibited very different patterns of TFIIS versus RNAPII occupancy, which confirmed their distinct role in controlling transcription elongation. We also found that the relative influence of Xrn1 and Ccr4 is different in the genes encoding ribosomal proteins as compared to the rest of the genome.


Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and European Union funds

FPI, Spanish Government

Regional Andalusian Government

Regional Valencian Government


Oxford University Press (OUP)









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