Levodopa attenuates the feed intake reduction caused by ergot alkaloids in cattle


Valente Eriton E L1,Klotz James L2,Markmann Ryana C1,Trotta Ronald J3,Edwards J Lannett4,May John B5,Harmon David L3ORCID


1. Animal Science Department, State University of Western Parana , Marechal Cândido Rondon, PR , Brazil

2. Forage-Animal Production Research Unit, USDA-ARS , Lexington, KY , USA

3. Department of Animal and Food Science, University of Kentucky , Lexington, KY , USA

4. Department of Animal Science, University of Tennessee , Knoxville, TN , USA

5. Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky , Lexington, KY , USA


Abstract Consumption of ergot alkaloids from endophyte-infected tall fescue results in losses to the livestock industry in many countries and a means to mitigate these losses is needed. The objective of this study was to evaluate intra-abomasal infusion of the dopamine precursor, levodopa (L-DOPA), on dopamine metabolism, feed intake, and serum metabolites of steers exposed to ergot alkaloids. Twelve Holstein steers (344.9 ± 9.48 kg) fitted with ruminal cannula were housed with a cycle of heat challenge during the daytime (32 °C) and thermoneutral at night (25 °C). The steers received a basal diet of alfalfa cubes containing equal amounts of tall fescue seed composed of a mixture of endophyte-free (E−) or endophyte-infected tall fescue seeds (E+) equivalent to 15 µg ergovaline/kg body weight (BW) for 9 d followed by intra-abomasal infusion of water (L-DOPA−) or levodopa (L-DOPA+; 2 mg/kg BW) for an additional 9 d. Afterward, the steers were pair-fed for 5 d to conduct a glucose tolerance test. The E+ treatment decreased (P = 0.005) prolactin by approximately 50%. However, prolactin increased (P = 0.050) with L-DOPA+. Steers receiving E+ decreased (P < 0.001) dry matter intake (DMI); however, when supplemented with L-DOPA+ the decrease in DMI was less severe (L-DOPA × E, P = 0.003). Also, L-DOPA+ infusion increased eating duration (L-DOPA × E, P = 0.012) when steers were receiving E+. The number of meals, meal duration, and intake rate were not affected (P > 0.05) by E+ or L-DOPA+. The L-DOPA+ infusion increased (P < 0.05) free L-DOPA, free dopamine, total L-DOPA, and total dopamine. Conversely, free epinephrine and free norepinephrine decreased (P < 0.05) with L-DOPA+. Total epinephrine and total norepinephrine were not affected (P > 0.05) by L-DOPA+. Ergot alkaloids did not affect (P > 0.05) circulating free or total L-DOPA, dopamine, or epinephrine. However, free and total norepinephrine decreased (P = 0.046) with E+. Glucose clearance rates at 15 to 30 min after glucose infusion increased with L-DOPA+ (P < 0.001), but not with E+ (P = 0.280). Administration of L-DOPA as an agonist therapy to treat fescue toxicosis provided a moderate increase in DMI and eating time and increased plasma glucose clearance for cattle dosed with E+ seed.


Oxford University Press (OUP)








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