Animal management and population monitoring


Rosell Frank,Campbell-Palmer Róisín


Beavers tend not to be a commonly held captive species and there is little published material relating to their captive care. Beavers are kept in captivity for a variety of reasons, including entertainment, fur farming, habitat management, and conservation breeding. This chapter discusses captive care requirements, diet, best husbandry practices, and common captive behaviours and issues, with suggestions on how to improve captive welfare. This will range from health issues in captivity and common behavioural concerns to capture, handling, tagging, and sex determination, enclosure design, and animal management. Beavers may suffer from a perception that they have less behavioural requirements beyond their physical environment, potentially encouraged by their lack of visibility and rodent classification. However, as social mammals with complex chemical communication systems and as such an ability to modify their environments, studies of wild counterparts suggest their captive welfare requirements may actually be more sophisticated. Population monitoring can be achieved through various methods, including tagging individuals and using field signs to determine population distribution and size estimates. Many of these techniques have been developed or refined in the captive setting. The application and issues using various methods are discussed.


Oxford University Press







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