A 8 is distinctive, and my own treatment will depart from a normal lineby-line commentary format. There is, in any event, far too much material, in this chapter, to attempt to give comprehensive coverage, on textual and interpretative points, in a single relatively circumscribed study. So I shall be selective, and my selection will reflect some of my own particular interests. The topics I shall concentrate on are ones that are comparatively neglected in the literature, namely (r) why Aristotle attempted this combination of astronomy and metaphysics, and (2) how competent he is, and how competent he claims to be, on the astronomical side. It is not that I shall ignore such favourite other problems as those to do with the developments or changes in Aristotle’s thought on the issues raised in this chapter, or with how precisely the unmoved movers operate, that is on their roles as final and/or efficient causes. But I shall have less to say on those than on the two questions I have specified.
Oxford University PressOxford
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