Goals of Characterizing a Species Habitat


Veech Joseph A.


There are several reasons for conducting a habitat analysis and identifying the environmental (habitat) characteristics that a species associates with. (1) Knowledge of a species’ habitat requirements is crucial in restoring and managing habitat for the species. (2) Carrying capacity informs us about the potential (or lack thereof) for future population growth based on resource availability. Knowledge of a species’ habitat requirements allows us to interpret the importance of carrying capacity in a habitat-specific way. (3) The study of species interactions and the potential for species coexistence is supported by having knowledge of the habitat of each species under investigation. (4) Habitat preference and selection as eco-evolutionary processes continue to be widely studied by ecologists—interpretation of the results of such studies is best done with knowledge of the species–habitat associations. Such knowledge can also be useful in the design of preference and selection studies. (5) Knowledge of species–habitat associations can also be of great use in selecting the environmental variables to use in species distribution models. All five of these goals point to the great utility of conducting a habitat analysis as a supporting investigation or as a way to obtain knowledge to put to a practical purpose.


Oxford University Press








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