The Advantages that Traditional Theists Enjoy


Nagasawa Yujin


Abstract Once it is shown that the problem of systemic evil poses a challenge for most non-theists as well as most traditional theists, the following question arises: between traditional theists and non-theists, which is more likely to succeed in overcoming the challenge? This chapter argues that traditional theists enjoy a relative advantage over non-theists because they have supernaturalist resources they can tap to respond to the challenge. This finding is important because the problem of evil is commonly regarded as a sufficient reason to reject traditional theism and accept non-theism. If the argument in this chapter is sound, the situation is almost the other way around: if one seeks a successful response to the problem of systemic evil, it is better to be a traditional theist than a non-theist. This chapter purports to strengthen this reasoning by addressing several objections, including those raised and discussed by Guy Kahane and Francis Jonbäck.


Oxford University PressOxford

Reference302 articles.

1. Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God;Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplementary,1989

2. Plantinga on “Felix Culpa”: Analysis and Critique;Faith and Philosophy,2008

3. Must God Create the Best?;Philosophical Review,1972

4. Theories of Actuality;Noûs,1974







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