Total-evidence phylogeny of the subfamily Cylapinae and the divergence dates for its subgroupings (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae)


Namyatova Anna A123,Tyts Veronica D12


1. Laboratory of Insect Taxonomy, Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences , St Petersburg , Russia

2. Laboratory of Phytosanitary Diagnostics and Forecasts, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection , St Petersburg , Russia

3. Evolution & Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales , Sydney , NSW 2052 , Australia


Abstract Representatives of the subfamily Cylapinae (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) mostly inhabit the subtropics and tropics. The group currently comprises five tribes: Bothriomirini, Cylapini, Fulviini, Rhinomirini, and Vanniini. Additionally, the Psallopinae are sometimes included in this subfamily as a tribe. The interrelationships within Cylapinae are unknown, the monophyly is doubtful, and a phylogenetic study focusing on the entire subfamily has never been published. The molecular and fossil data analyses show that Miridae occurred at least in the Jurassic. The divergence dates for Cyalpinae tribes are unknown. We performed the phylogenetic analysis of Cylapinae based on molecular and morphological data, in addition to a combined dataset. We calibrated the molecular trees with fossil data. The results suggested non-monophyly of Cylapinae. The monophyly of Bothriomirini was confirmed. Cylapini were rendered as non-monophyletic. The Cylapus complex formed a clade with Vanniini, and the monophyly of Vanniini was doubtful. Fulviini were recovered as non-monophyletic, and the representatives fell into two separate well-supported clades. Dating analyses showed that the groups of the suprageneric level distributed across different continents diverged near the boarder between Mesosoic and Cenosoic, that was also true for the Asian suprageneric groups and the South American Cylapus complex. Australian groups of genera diverged in the Cenozoic.


Australian Biological Resources Study

Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Oxford University Press (OUP)

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