Adaptive bootstrap tests for composite null hypotheses in the mediation pathway analysis


He Yinqiu1,Song Peter X K2,Xu Gongjun3


1. niversity of Wisconsin Department of Statistics, U , Madison, WI , USA {C}%3C!%2D%2D%7BC%7D%253C!%252D%252D%257C%257CrmComment%257C%257C%253C~show%2520%255BAQ%2520ID%253DAQ2%255D~%253E%252D%252D%253E%2D%2D%3E

2. Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, MI , USA

3. Department of Statistics, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, MI , USA {C}%3C!%2D%2D%7BC%7D%253C!%252D%252D%257C%257CrmComment%257C%257C%253C~show%2520%255BAQ%2520ID%253DAQ3%255D~%253E%252D%252D%253E%2D%2D%3E


Abstract Mediation analysis aims to assess if, and how, a certain exposure influences an outcome of interest through intermediate variables. This problem has recently gained a surge of attention due to the tremendous need for such analyses in scientific fields. Testing for the mediation effect (ME) is greatly challenged by the fact that the underlying null hypothesis (i.e. the absence of MEs) is composite. Most existing mediation tests are overly conservative and thus underpowered. To overcome this significant methodological hurdle, we develop an adaptive bootstrap testing framework that can accommodate different types of composite null hypotheses in the mediation pathway analysis. Applied to the product of coefficients test and the joint significance test, our adaptive testing procedures provide type I error control under the composite null, resulting in much improved statistical power compared to existing tests. Both theoretical properties and numerical examples of the proposed methodology are discussed.




Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty,Statistics and Probability

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1. Efficient Adjusted Joint Significance Test and Sobel-Type Confidence Interval for Mediation Effect;Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal;2024-09-04







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