1. Modeling Macro-Political Dynamics
2. What goes around comes around: Unit root tests and cointegration;Williams;Political Analysis,1993b
3. Enders Walter . 2010. Applied econometric time series, 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
4. Treating Time with All Due Seriousness
5. BK state that “whether the [panel] series are integrated or stationary but slowly moving, they may be well modeled by the [panel] EC[M] specification (Equation 8), which, as we have seen, is just an alternative parameterization of the [panel] ADL model.” They continue, “… if the series are integrated, either the EC[M] model (the series are said to be co-integrated) or the residuals will be highly correlated. Because our preferred methodology chooses specifications with almost uncorrelated residuals, it should never lead to choosing an incorrect EC[M] (or ADL)specification” (2011, 343–44). They then argue that since, as political economists, we usually use proportions, it is unlikely our series are integrated, economists have little or no theoretical justification for ECMs, and we know which variables are exogenous to others so there is no need to test for this aspect of our specifications. In a cryptic footnote (2011, fn. 6), BK say “Dickey–Fuller type distributions” can be used to test the statistical significance of (panel) ECM adjustment parameter. And, even though earlier in their article (2011, 338) they say most political economy data sets have 20–40 units and twenty annual observations, BK argue that “given the large n and T of TSCS data, in many cases it is clear that the EC[M] model is adequate or not, and if we incorrectly assume stationarity, consistent application of appropriate standard methods will indicate the problem.” It is not clear whether the “Dickey–Fuller type distributions” they refer to are those used in an Engle–Granger multiple-step procedure (to test for unit root residuals and which employ nonstandard distributions) or whether the tests they have in mind employ a panel ADL setup and hence a different nonstandard distribution (which uses critical values like those produced by Ericsson and McKinnon).