1. VA Portland Health Care System, Research Service , Portland, OR , USA
2. Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Neurology , Portland, OR , USA
3. McGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute and Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery , Montréal, QC , Canada
4. Université du Québec à Montréal, Département of Psychology , Montréal, QC , Canada
5. Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine , Montréal, QC , Canada
6. Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre , Montreal, QC , Canada
7. McGill University, Department of Human Genetics , Montréal, QC , Canada
8. Mayo Clinic, Neurology and Medicine , Rochester, MN , USA
9. Emory University, Department of Neurology , Atlanta, GA , USA
10. University of California Los Angeles, Neurology, Sleep Disorders Center , Los Angeles, CA , USA
11. University of Minnesota Medical Center, Department of Neurology , Minneapolis, MN , USA
12. Hennepin County Medical Center, Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center , Minneapolis, MN , USA
13. Washington University School of Medicine , Department of Neurology, Saint Louis, MO , USA
14. Barrow Neurological Institute , Phoenix, AZ , USA
15. Massachusetts General Hospital, Movement Disorders Unit, Division of Sleep Medicine , Boston, MA , USA
16. Harvard Medical School, Neurological Clinical Research Institute , Boston, MA , USA
17. Stanford University, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences , Redwood City, CA , USA
18. Stanford University, Neurology and Neurological Sciences , Palo Alto, CA , USA
19. Mt Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Neurology , New York, NY , USA
20. Banner University Medical Center, Department of Neurology , Phoenix, AZ , USA
21. Banner Sun Health Research Institute , Sun City, AZ , USA
22. NAPS Consortium Co-principal Investigators
23. Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Behavioral Neuroscience; Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine; Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences , Portland, OR , USA
24. VA Portland Health Care System, Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center; Neurology; National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research , Portland, OR , USA