A Neuropsychological Battery for the Evaluation of Dementia Among Mandarin-Speaking Older Adults in the United States


Qi Wei (Gabriel)123,Hong Yue45,Sun Xiaoning67,Stinson Jennifer M8,York Michele K8,McCauley Stephen8910,Strutt Adriana M18


1. Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences , Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA

2. Department of Medical Psychology, School of Health Humanities , Peking University, Beijing, China

3. School of Psychology & Family and Marriage Therapy , Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena CA, USA

4. Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital , Boston, MA, USA

5. Home Base, A Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Program , Charlestown, MA, USA

6. Department of Psychology, University of Oregon , Eugene, OR, USA

7. Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics , Pediatric Translational Medicine Institute, Shanghai Children’s Medical Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

8. Department of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine , Houston, TX, USA

9. H. Ben Taub Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Baylor College of Medicine , Houston, TX, USA

10. Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine , Houston, TX, USA


Abstract Objective Asians of Chinese origin are the largest single Asian origin group in the United States and are also the third largest group in Harris County, TX (i.e., the Houston metropolitan area). Mandarin speakers constitute the majority of the group. The linguistic gaps between Chinese (Mandarin) and English make it essential to use appropriate tests and normative data when working with the Mandarin-speaking population. Although it is ideal to develop original tests and/or normative data for Mandarin-speaking patients residing in the United States, the process can be lengthy. Although these indigenous tests are being developed, a neuropsychological battery with tests validated in Mandarin-speaking regions (e.g., Mainland China, Taiwan, and Singapore) can provide valuable information for Mandarin-speaking patients who identify with their home culture/country/region. Methods A systematic review of two electronic databases (PubMed and PsycInfo) was conducted. Results A neuropsychological battery to assess cognitive domains, including global intellectual function, attention/processing speed, executive function, visuospatial/visuoconstruction, language, learning and memory, and emotion, was developed. Cognitive screeners and performance validity measures were also included. The battery consists of core and supplementary measures validated in the Mandarin-speaking population. A case illustration is provided. Conclusion Strengths and limitations of the battery and the role of interpretation in service delivery are discussed. The battery is recommended to clinicians for the evaluation of Mandarin-speaking older adults residing in the United States and other non-Mandarin-speaking regions where local norms are not available.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Psychiatry and Mental health,Clinical Psychology,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology,General Medicine

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