Reassessment of the radiocesium resuspension flux from contaminated ground surfaces in eastern Japan


Kajino MizuoORCID,Watanabe Akira,Ishizuka MasahideORCID,Kita KazuyukiORCID,Zaizen Yuji,Kinase Takeshi,Hirai Rikuya,Konnai Kakeru,Saya Akane,Iwaoka Kazuki,Shiroma Yoshitaka,Hasegawa Hidenao,Akata Naofumi,Hosoda Masahiro,Tokonami Shinji,Igarashi YasuhitoORCID


Abstract. Resuspension of 137Cs from the contaminated ground surface to the atmosphere is essential for understanding the environmental behaviors of 137Cs and estimating external and inhalation exposure of residents. Kajino et al. (2016) assessed the 137Cs resuspension flux from bare soil and forest ecosystems in eastern Japan in 2013 using a numerical simulation constrained by surface air concentration measurements. However, the simulation was found to underestimate the observed deposition amounts by 2 orders of magnitude. The reason for this underestimation is that the simulation assumed that resuspended 137Cs is carried by submicron aerosols, which have low deposition rates. Based on the observational indications that soil dust and bioaerosols are the major carriers of resuspended 137Cs, a new simulation is performed with higher deposition rates constrained by both surface concentrations and deposition amounts. In the new estimation, the total areal annual resuspension of 137Cs in 2013 is 25.7 TBq, which is equivalent to 0.96 % of the initial deposition (2.68 PBq). Due to the rapid deposition rates, the annual redeposition amount is also large at 10.6 TBq, approximately 40 % of the resuspended 137Cs. The resuspension rate through the atmosphere (0.96 % yr−1) seems slow, but it (2.6 × 10−5 d−1) may not be negligibly small compared to the actual decreasing trend of the ambient gamma dose rate obtained in Fukushima Prefecture after the radioactive decay of 137Cs plus 134Cs in 2013 is subtracted (1.0–7.9 × 10−4 d−1): resuspension can account for 1 %–10 % of the decreasing rate due to decontamination and natural decay through land surface processes. The current simulation underestimated the 137Cs deposition in Fukushima city in winter by more than an order of magnitude, indicating the presence of additional resuspension sources. The site of Fukushima city is surrounded by major roads. Heavy traffic on wet and muddy roads after snow removal operations could generate superlarge (approximately 100 µm in diameter) road dust or road salt particles, which are not included in the model but might contribute to the observed 137Cs at the site.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Nuclear Regulation Authority

Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology


Copernicus GmbH


Atmospheric Science

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