High-resolution air quality simulations of ozone exceedance events during the Lake Michigan Ozone Study


Pierce R. Bradley,Harkey Monica,Lenzen Allen,Cronce Lee M.,Otkin Jason A.ORCID,Case Jonathan L.,Henderson David S.,Adelman Zac,Nergui Tsengel,Hain Christopher R.


Abstract. We evaluate two high-resolution Lake Michigan air quality simulations during the 2017 Lake Michigan Ozone Study campaign. These air quality simulations employ identical chemical configurations but use different input meteorology. The AP-XM configuration follows the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-recommended modeling practices, whereas the YNT_SSNG employs different parameterization schemes and satellite-based inputs of sea surface temperatures, green vegetative fraction, and soil moisture and temperature. Overall, we find a similar performance in the model simulations of hourly and maximum daily average 8 h (MDA8) ozone, with the AP-XM and YNT_SSNG simulations showing biases of −11.42 and −13.54 ppbv (parts per billion by volume), respectively, during periods when the observed MDA8 was greater than 70 ppbv. However, for the two monitoring sites that observed high-ozone events, the AP-XM simulation better matched observations at Chiwaukee Prairie, and the YNT_SSNG simulation better matched observations at the Sheboygan Kohler-Andrae (KA) State Park. We find that the differences between the two simulations are largest for column amounts of ozone precursors, particularly NO2. Across three high-ozone events, the YNT_SSNG simulation has a lower NO2 column bias (0.17×1015 mol cm−2) compared to the AP-XM simulation (0.31×1015 mol cm−2). The YNT_SSNG simulation also has an advantage in that it better captures the structure of the boundary layer and lake breeze during the 2 June high-ozone event, although the timing of the lake breeze is about 3 h too early at Sheboygan. Our results are useful for informing an air quality modeling framework for the Lake Michigan area.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Copernicus GmbH


Atmospheric Science

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