A low-activity ion source for measurement of atmospheric gases by chemical ionization mass spectrometry


Lee Young Ro,Ji Yi,Tanner David J.,Huey L. GregoryORCID


Abstract. Most I−-CIMSs (iodide chemical ionization mass spectrometers) for measurement of atmospheric trace gases utilize a radioactive ion source with an initial activity of 10 or 20 mCi of 210Po. In this work, we characterize a 210Po ion source with an initial activity of 1.5 mCi that can be easily constructed from commercially available components. The low level of radioactive activity of this source significantly reduces regulatory burden with storage and shipping relative to higher-activity sources. We compare the sensitivity of the low-activity source (LAS) to a standard 20 mCi source, as a function of carrier gas flow and flow tube pressure, for peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), formic acid (HCO2H), molecular chlorine (Cl2) and nitryl chloride (ClNO2), using an I−-CIMS. The LAS provides 2 to 5 times less sensitivity than that of the standard source even though the ratio of activity is approximately 13. However, detection limits of less than 2 pptv for the tested compounds are achieved for integration times on the order of a minute. The sensitivity of the LAS is less dependent on the magnitude of the carrier gas than a standard source. In addition, the LAS provides maximum sensitivity at relatively low carrier gas flows. Finally, we demonstrate that the LAS can be used to measure PAN in the remote atmosphere from an aircraft by showing data obtained on the NASA DC-8 during the Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) mission. In summary, the LAS may be an excellent substitute for a standard ion source in short-term field deployments.


Copernicus GmbH


Atmospheric Science

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