Overcoming barriers to enable convergence research by integrating ecological and climate sciences: the NCAR–NEON system Version 1


Lombardozzi Danica L.,Wieder William R.ORCID,Sobhani Negin,Bonan Gordon B.,Durden DavidORCID,Lenz Dawn,SanClements Michael,Weintraub-Leff SamanthaORCID,Ayres Edward,Florian Christopher R.,Dahlin KylaORCID,Kumar Sanjiv,Swann Abigail L. S.ORCID,Zarakas Claire M.,Vardeman Charles,Pascucci ValerioORCID


Abstract. Global change research demands a convergence among academic disciplines to understand complex changes in Earth system function. Limitations related to data usability and computing infrastructure, however, present barriers to effective use of the research tools needed for this cross-disciplinary collaboration. To address these barriers, we created a computational platform that pairs meteorological data and site-level ecosystem characterizations from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) with the Community Terrestrial System Model (CTSM) that is developed with university partners at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). This NCAR–NEON system features a simplified user interface that facilitates access to and use of NEON observations and NCAR models. We present preliminary results that compare observed NEON fluxes with CTSM simulations and describe how the collaboration between NCAR and NEON that can be used by the global change research community improves both the data and model. Beyond datasets and computing, the NCAR–NEON system includes tutorials and visualization tools that facilitate interaction with observational and model datasets and further enable opportunities for teaching and research. By expanding access to data, models, and computing, cyberinfrastructure tools like the NCAR–NEON system will accelerate integration across ecology and climate science disciplines to advance understanding in Earth system science and global change.


National Science Foundation

U.S. Department of Agriculture


Copernicus GmbH


General Medicine

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