Ozone profile retrieval from limb scatter measurements in the HARTLEY bands: further retrieval details and profile comparisons


Rohen G. J.,Savigny C. v.,Kaiser J. W.,Llewellyn E. J.,Froidevaux L.,López-Puertas M.,Steck T.,Palm M.,Winkler H.,Sinnhuber M.,Bovensmann H.,Burrows J. P.


Abstract. SCIAMACHY limb scatter radiance measurements at selected wavelengths in the HARTLEY bands have been used to retrieve ozone profiles in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere. Comparisons with profiles measured by a ground based radiometer in Norway, MIPAS on board ENVISAT, HALOE on UARS and MLS on AURA indicate an agreement within 15% between 40 and 55 km and show that the retrieval provides reliable ozone profiles at these altitudes. Above 55 km, an increasing overestimation is observed. Beside the profile comparisons, further retrieval features of the current retrieval (version 1.26) are described.


Copernicus GmbH


Atmospheric Science

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