Abstract. Quantifying continental-scale river discharge is
essential for understanding the terrestrial water cycle, but it is susceptible to
errors caused by a lack of observations and the limitations of hydrodynamic
modeling. Data assimilation (DA) methods are increasingly used to estimate
river discharge in combination with emerging river-related remote sensing
products (e.g., water surface elevation (WSE), water surface slope, river
width, and flood extent). However, directly comparing simulated WSE to
satellite altimetry data remains challenging (e.g., because of large biases
between simulations and observations or uncertainties in parameters), and
large errors can be introduced when satellite observations are assimilated
into hydrodynamic models. In this study we performed direct, anomaly, and
normalized value assimilation experiments to investigate the capacity of DA
to improve river discharge within the current limitations of hydrodynamic
modeling. We performed hydrological DA using a physically based empirical
localization method applied to the Amazon basin. We used satellite altimetry
data from ENVISAT, Jason 1, and Jason 2. Direct DA was the baseline
assimilation method and was subject to errors due to biases in the simulated
WSE. To overcome these errors, we used anomaly DA as an alternative to
direct DA. We found that the modeled and observed WSE distributions differed
considerably (e.g., differences in amplitude, seasonal flow variation, and a
skewed distribution due to limitations of the hydrodynamic models).
Therefore, normalized value DA was performed to improve discharge
estimation. River discharge estimates were improved at 24 %, 38 %, and
62 % of stream gauges in the direct, anomaly, and normalized value
assimilations relative to simulations without DA. Normalized value
assimilation performed best for estimating river discharge given the current
limitations of hydrodynamic models. Most gauges within the river reaches
covered by satellite observations accurately estimated river discharge, with
the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) > 0.6. The amplitudes of WSE variation
were improved in the normalized DA experiment. Furthermore, in the Amazon
basin, normalized assimilation (median NSE =0.50) improved river discharge
estimation compared to open-loop simulation with the global hydrodynamic
model (median NSE =0.42). River discharge estimation using direct DA
methods was improved by 7 % with calibration of river bathymetry based on
NSE. The direct DA approach outperformed the other DA approaches when
runoff was considerably biased, but anomaly DA performed best when the river
bathymetry was erroneous. The uncertainties in hydrodynamic modeling (e.g.,
river bottom elevation, river width, simplified floodplain dynamics, and the
rectangular cross-section assumption) should be improved to fully realize
the advantages of river discharge DA through the assimilation of satellite
altimetry. This study contributes to the development of a global river
discharge reanalysis product that is consistent spatially and temporally.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science
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