Abstract. The instrumental temperature corrections to be applied to the ozone
measurements by the Brewer spectrophotometers are derived from the irradiance
measurements of internal halogen lamps in the instruments. These
characterizations of the Brewer spectrophotometers can be carried out within
a thermal chamber, varying the temperature from −5 to +45 ∘C, or during field measurements, making use of the natural change in ambient
temperature. However, the internal light source used to determine the thermal
sensitivity of the instrument could be affected in both methods by the
temperature variations as well, which may affect the determination of the
temperature coefficients. In order to validate the standard procedures for
determining Brewer's temperature coefficients, two independent experiments
using both external light sources and the internal halogen lamps have been
performed within the ATMOZ Project. The results clearly show that the
traditional methodology based on the internal halogen lamps is not sensitive
to the temperature-caused changes in the spectrum of the internal light
source. The three methodologies yielded equivalents results, with differences
in total ozone column below 0.08 % for a mean diurnal temperature variation
of 10 ∘C.
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3 articles.