Gaponenko Tatiana,Muradova Safura,Litvinova Victoria
The aim of the research is methodology development of labor motivationofagriculturalworkers,basedonacompetitiveapproachmodern methods of personalizing personnel management, which will increase the productivity of agricultural workers and the efficiency of production activities in the industry. The methodological basis of the study were the methodsofsummarization,grouping,comparisonandgeneralization,which wereusedduringtheanalysisofscientificliterature.Themethodofresearch of labor relations was applied questionnaires, analysis and synthesis methods while discussing research results. The developed methodology involves a wider range of instruments of material and non-material motivationoflabor.Materialmotivationisexpressedinanadditionalbonus to the salaries of winners in the competition in the profession. Non-material motivationisrepresentedbytraditionaltools(thewinnertitle,respectinthe team) and new tools of motivation (recognition of the employee as a person, respect for his desires and needs). The proposed motivation system was adapted for the operating conditions of the agricultural organization Ankor LLC, the main positions of the new system for motivating and stimulating the work of employees, who directly ensure the output of agricultural products, of this organization have beendeveloped.
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