Life self-determination of graduates of engineering and biotechnology programs of the university: regional practices


Ivashova Valentina,Nesmeyanov Evgeny,Dragulenko Vladislav,Erokhin Alexey,Kamalova Olga


The article describes the modern vision of the category of “life self-determination” on the example of graduates of engineering and biotechnology programs of a regional university. As part of the study, a review of scientific articles was carried out. We formulated theoretical and instrumental approaches that are relevant for the present time, they are: ensuring a high level of primary professional self-identification of university graduates and high satisfaction with professional competencies; creating conditions for the manifestation of prosocial behavior, satisfaction with the psychological comfort of interpersonal and group interactions; the formed need to participate in the modernization and creation of their modern living environment, including updating the content of the rural way of life; raising awareness among young people about the professions in demand, the needs and priorities of the digital society to develop lifelong learning skills. They provide understanding and modeling of youth policy in the field of professional and life self-determination and contribute to the solution of the state task set in the Decree “On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030”.


EDP Sciences







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