Ermolina Marina,Matveevskaya Anna,Matyashova Daria,Kovalevskaya Natalia
Studies have shown that comparison of strategies for sustainable cities in Asian countries is carried out through the prism of the international concept of sustainable development. The work builds a complex relationship between general and specific criteria for sustainable development of the urban environment in the strategies of individual Asian countries. Priority is given to management, socio-economic development, and environmental protection. Sustainable urban development guidelines are shown considering problems of poverty, environmental pressures, and drawing attention to environmental problems in cities. The particular countries (Bhutan, Myanmar and Cambodia) show guidelines for sustainable urban development, considering urbanization and population flows, the vulnerability of major population groups and addressing poverty and pressure on the environment. Analyzing the Sustainable Development Goals and internal strategies of Asian countries, the authors sought to determine the goals and objectives of creating sustainable cities, features of sustainable cities’ strategies in individual Asian countries and typical problems that arise on the path to sustainable urban development. The hypothesis of the study is the approach to sustainable cities through the prism of the concept of sustainable development with its socioenvironmental and economic components in their relationship and interdependence.
Reference25 articles.
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3 articles.