Energy resources are gradually scarce and expensive. Raised a gap between increasing demand and energy supply. Bridging gap of demand together with energy supply by increase energy supplies is a very costly decision. Moreover, in the industrial sector with the high cost of energy, the longer the competitiveness decreases. Energy costs in total production costs reduce the number of profits each year. The strategy to prevent these problems is by increasing the efficiency of industrial operations and equipment. Several stages of the efficiency process begin with identifying balance, energy-saving opportunities, and energy utilization. This stage is better known as an energy audit. The advanced stage of the energy audit helps identify potential energy conservation and encourages the industry to focus on efficiency and conservation and is supported by adequate financing. In the research strategy, the opportunity to save energy costs in oil boiler units is practical, sustainable and economically feasible. On the results of measurements and calculations obtained boiler efficiency of 53.67% where the factors that cause the low efficiency of this boiler are the high excess water by 17.32% and heat loss from dry exhaust gas by 42.03%. The solution is done by controlling excess air by regulating the air entering the combustion chamber. In this way, energy savings can be increased by 15%.
Reference13 articles.
1. Palaloi S., Analisis Potensi Penghematan EnergiPada Boiler DI Pabrik Teksitil, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Sains & Teknologi ISSN: 1979-911X, (Balai Besar Teknologi Energi (B2TE)-BPPT), 105–114 (2014)
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