Innovative technologies in municipal wastewater treatment plants in Sweden to improve Baltic Sea water quality


Trela Józef,Płaza Elżbieta


The article presents new trends in the treatment of municipal wastewater in Sweden caused by the constantly increasing requirements for discharging pollutants into Baltic Sea waters. The development of new technologies for nitrogen removal, pharmaceutical residues removal and the possibility of using membrane processes in wastewater treatment is presented. The state of research on innovative wastewater treatment processes at the level of pilot-scale tests and their implementation in full technical scale has been described. These technologies can allow the application of new, economical and environmentally friendly wastewater treatment processes based on biological, chemical and physical methods. Swedish wastewater treatment plants are preparing to meet the new conditions required for discharged wastewater with a value of 6 mg N/L for total nitrogen and 0.2 mg P/L for total phosphorus. This requires large investments in the reconstruction of municipal wastewater treatment plants and the introduction of new treatment processes.


EDP Sciences

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