Moudou Mohamed,El Hammoudani Yahya,Haboubi Khadija,Achoukhi Iliass,El Boudammoussi Mustapha,Faiz Hatim,Touzani Abdelaziz,Dimane Fouad
A wide range of variables, both human and natural in origin, can negatively impact aquatic ecosystems, especially when they accumulate excessively. While some of these elements are vital for aquatic life, their high concentration poses a risk. Consequently, a monitoring and analysing water resource to assess the impact of these elements becomes essential. Commonly, water quality indices (WQIs) are used for this purpose. The continuous improvement, simplification, and adaptation of WQIs are necessary to meet the evolving needs of water management. This work focuses on developing a comprehensive model for assessing water quality in North of Moroccan watersheds. It aims to review and define the goals of water quality monitoring, classify the tools used for this purpose, and describe the process of developing WQIs.