Simulation-based Prediction of Structural Design Failure in Fishing Deck Machinery a Hydraulic Type with Finite Element Method


Suwandi Agri,Lia Zariatin Dede,Sulaksono Bambang,Prayogi Estu,Widana I Made


The fishing deck machinery is the tools used to collect fish in fishing activities. Fishing deck machinery is intended to improve the effectiveness of fishing operations. The mission of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fishery Year 2015-2019 in the Regulation of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries No. 45/PERMEN-KP/2015 which is a priority is to provide assistance for fishing facilities for fishermen; it is necessary to develop and optimize fishing deck machinery. To assure the safety and dependability of these fishing deck machinery, calculations, simulation and functional tests are needed. This paper discusses the prediction of structural failure in the design of fishing deck machinery a hydraulic type with finite element method simulation approach. The results of the FEM simulation analysis are (i) the maximum value of von-Mises stress is greater than the ultimate tensile strength of the material; (ii) 1st principal stress value minimum is smaller than the ultimate tensile strength of material; (iii). the Poisson ratio value higher than the Poisson ratio value of the material. Base on the simulation result, the structural design of fishing deck machinery is safety.


EDP Sciences

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