Spatially-temporal distribution of moisture content and dynamics of greenhouse gas emissions from upper soil horizons in floodplain fallow lands of Bashmakovsky district of Penza oblast


Buzylev Alexey,Tikhonova Maria,Taller Evgeny,Zhigaleva Yaroslava,Iliushkova Elena


There are more than 1’300 thousand hectares of fallow lands potentially suitable for agricultural producers in the Penza region of Russia, which is 31% of the region total area. More than 300000 hectares of land have been abandoned for more than 20 years, and territory already became forest. Additionally soils under young forests – actively sequester carbon dioxide in soil. How much it makes sense to raise fallow land in terms of climate change and which areas produce the most carbon dioxide from the soil is a research question of great interest. In addition to vegetation, factors such as soil moisture and temperature influence the carbon dioxide emission from soil. As a result, the greenhouse gas fluxes monitoring, we can conclude that forest areas and natural ecosystems mostly deposit carbon dioxide, as the amount of available carbon increases due to a greater increase in biomass. Areas that are used in agriculture produce more nitrous oxide and methane, but less carbon dioxide, which is associated with the specifics of fertilization.


EDP Sciences

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