The effectiveness of enzyme preparations in broiler chicken diets


Reznichenko Liudmila,Reznichenko Aleksei,Shcherbinin Roman,Manokhin Andrej


With the wrong use of antibiotics for agricultural poultry, the effectiveness of their effect on the body is noticeably reduced, since pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms become resistant to them for a certain time, i.e., there is a process of “addiction“. Experience shows that enrichment of feed rations with enzyme preparations and vitamins improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, increases the natural resistance of the body, as a result of which the mortality of poultry decreases, the absorption of feed is significantly increased and their costs per unit of production are reduced. We studied the effect of the new vitamin-enzyme complex Vitaferm on the organism of broilers against the background of the exclusion of antibacterial drugs from the antiepizootic measures scheme and compared its effect with the enzyme preparation Avizim 110. The studies carried out indicate the positive effect of Vitafarm and Avizim 110 on the poultry organism, which is manifested by an increase in average daily poultry gains, an increase in safety, and a decrease in feed costs per unit of production. These changes can be explained by the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens and increased immunity. Antibiotics suppress the body’s immune system; upset the balance of the intestinal microflora. For the complete or partial exclusion of antibacterial drugs from the scheme of antiepizootic measures, it is proposed to apply to broiler chickens with feed the vitamin-enzyme complex of Vitaferm at the rate of 15.0 g / kg starting from day old for 10 days.


EDP Sciences

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