The dependence of the reproductive qualities of beef-cows on the Body Condition Scoring


Khakimov I.N.,Akimov A.L.,Zoteev V.S.,Simonov G.A.,Simonov A.G.


A comparative assessment of the reproductive qualities of beef-cows of the Hereford and Kazakh white-headed breeds is given, depending on the Body Condition Scoring. In the scientific and economic experiment in three farms on 3 groups of cows of two breeds, the influence of Body Condition Scoring on the reproductive qualities of cows was studied. It was found that cows with a Body Condition Scoring of 6 points have a significantly shorter service period (by 10-13 days) and the interval between calving (by 6-9 days), with an increase in the duration of pregnancy by 2-4 days, compared with cows with a score of 3 points. The calf crop per 100 cows, in groups with 6 Body Condition Scoring points, was higher than in groups with 3 Body Condition Scoring points by 9.2, 8.3 and 5.1%.


EDP Sciences

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