Changes in the content of certain macro- and microelements in the blood of karakul sheep exposed to helminth infestation


Vakhidova Adolat,Daminov Asadullo,Muradova Emma,Nurullayev Alisher


Comprehensive studies of livestock, their feeding conditions and maintenance allow us to obtain the data necessary for the development of medical strategies and tactics in the treatment of sick animals and the prevention of endemic diseases. Considering that Uzbekistan belongs to a country where Karakul sheep are raised, and the soil is rich in eggs and larvae of geohelminths, the infection rate of lambs in the spring and summer is high. Our research was conducted taking into account the infestation of animals and how many micro- and macronutrients are lost during the disease. Lambs infected with helminths were selected using a latex agglutination reaction with a diagnosticum. With marshallagiosis, nematodyrosis and habertiosis, the content of macro– and microelements in the blood of Karakul sheep decreases (potassium – by 190.5; sodium - 552.5; calcium -9.5; copper – 0.56; zinc – 0.5 and iron - by 74.2 mg/l) especially significantly in the prenatal period of helminth development; in the imaginal period– the content of macronutrients increases, and trace elements remain at a low level. According to the results of the study, the absorption of macro- and microelements depends not only on the balance of the diet in nutrients, mineral salts and vitamins. The effect of macroand microelements on the body is largely complicated by the conditions of animal husbandry. It is necessary to have a medical examination that allows you to control the harvesting, storage and quality of feed, detect diseases in animals, in the subclinical period and timely carry out the necessary medical measures, as well as identify agrotechnical measures to improve the fodder base of the farm.


EDP Sciences

Reference15 articles.

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