The self-fertility and cross-fertility of pear varieties have been studied in the conditions of the of the Krasnodar region. It was established that most of the not varieties are self-fertile. The varieties are distinguished: Ladozhskaya, Malyshka and Talgar beauty, with partial self-fertility, in which a low percentage of fruit set and its fluctuation over the years are noted. Based on the pollination performed and the analysis carried out, good and acceptable pollinators for promising pear varieties were selected. It has been established that in order to form full-fledged seeds in the fruit of the pear, a full cross-pollination with good pollinators is necessary. The possibilities of individual varieties (a high percentage of fruit tying) with mutual pollination are presented. The analysis of the negative influence of technogenic factors during flowering on the inter-pollination of varieties has been carried out. Cross-pollinated varieties have a narrow selective ability to pollinate varieties, which varies over the years and depends on the growing conditions. Proved the need, when laying gardens correctly choose varieties-pollinators in order to increase the yield of varieties. According to the research results, a self-fertile variety Iyulskaya early was identified. The best pollinators were selected for promising pear varieties for the conditions of the Kuban.